Immune Health

Formulas to Keep Your Horse Healthy

Immune Health Starts From the Inside

A healthy horse starts with good nutrition to support comprehensive health along with protecting the immune system. Key nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, prebiotics and antioxidants can help support immune health by maintaining healthy responses to immune challenges. It’s important to supplement horses during training, competition, travel, exposure to new horses and environments, and stress after surgery to help support normal immune responses.

Immune Formulas

Formulas for Immune Support

Platinum Performance® Equine
The Equine Wellness & Performance Formula

Platinum Performance® Equine was created out of clinical necessity as a comprehensive omega-3 formula to transform equine health at the cellular level. Because of its comprehensive nature, the ingredients work synergistically to support every aspect of health and performance, including joints, muscles, hooves, skin and coat, digestion and more.
Recommended daily dosage for a 1,000 lb horse is 2 scoops, which is 2 servings.

Price starting at $77.00
Platinum Performance® GI
The Equine Wellness & Performance Formula + Digestive Care

Platinum Performance® GI provides a gastrointestinal-focused approach to total horse health. Equine gut health is not only important for proper digestion but also immune health because an estimated 70-80 percent of the immune system lives in a horse’s gastrointestinal system. This veterinary-developed formula provides omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals, along with Bio-Sponge®, prebiotics, probiotics and glutamine for GI support.
Recommended daily dosage for a 1,000 lb horse is 2 scoops, which is 2 servings.

Price starting at $117.00
Provides Active Immune Support for Horses

Platinum Immune Support provides active immune support for horses with potential exposure to illness or are traveling and may have a compromised immune system due to stress of travel or a new environment.

Price starting at $142.00
A Daily Probiotic to Maintain Equine Digestive Health
This daily probiotic formula provides both prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and hindgut health. This formula can be helpful in horses that have difficulty maintaining weight, are susceptible to hindgut issues, or frequently have a loose stool.
More Details and Ingredients »
Price starting at $37.00

Go with the Gut

Key Ingredients to Support Immune Health & Digestion

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Probiotics
  • Prebiotics
  • Glutamine
  • Antioxidants like vitamins E and C
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70-80% of the Equine Immune System Resides in The Gut

Equine gut health is not only important for proper digestion but also immune health because an estimated 70-80 percent of the immune system lives in a horse’s gastrointestinal system.

Platinum Performance® GI

Wellness + Digestive Care

This veterinary-developed formula provides omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals, along with Bio-Sponge®, prebiotics, probiotics and glutamine for GI support.

Recommended for Horses:

  • In Need of Digestive Health Support
  • With Difficulty Maintaining Weight
  • In Training, Competition or During Travel
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Tips for Traveling

  • Timing: Never transport a sick horse long distances or one exposed to sickness.
  • Supplementation: Add an immune support formula a few days before travel.
  • Rest: Try to travel less than 12 hours at a time and stop every 3 to 4 hours to offer rest.
  • Hydration: Offer water every time you stop.
  • Rest: Try to travel less than 12 hours at a time and stop every 3 to 4 hours to offer rest.
  • Ventilation: Provide adequate airflow in the trailer.
  • Recovery: Allow 2 to 3 days to recover after a long trip.

Support Your Horse’s Natural Defense

Platinum Performance® Equine with additional Zinc and Lysine provides a well-balanced supplement that supports a strong immune system and total body health. This formula is recommended for horses that may benefit from advanced immune support, especially during travel.

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Immune Support Success Stories



Platinum Performance® client since 2012

“Trinity had an abscessed foot and was listless, her skin was flaky and her coat dull. My vet told me he would like to start her on Platinum Performance to help support her immune system. He felt Platinum would help her overall recovery. We’re riding again. I highly recommend Platinum. In the 40 years or so that I’ve owned horses, I’ve never really been ‘sold’ on a supplement before. Thanks for a wonderful product.”
— Denise B.



Platinum Performance® client since 2022

“Moon is a 26-year-old Paint who was diagnosed with EPM in June of 2022. After amazing vet and barn crew support, he is flourishing. To help Moon get healthy again, we did 2 rounds of Platinum Immune Support and he is now on the Platinum Performance GI daily. He came out of this winter better than he has in awhile and he is a spunky old man again.”
— Alicia B.

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