More than fuel, nutrition can enhance a dog's ability to perform at its peak and improve athletic durability. With the right nutrition, a dog can recover quicker and better tolerate the stresses of training and competition.
How It Works
Can enhance a dog’s ability to perform at its peak and improve athletic durability.
Recommended For
Any active dog to support joint health and longevity.
How It Works
Combines ingredients to support muscle health, minimize breakdown and support circulation.
Recommended For
The high performance athlete for strength, recovery and blood flow.
How It Works
Supports muscle mass, strength and minimizes post-exercise muscle breakdown.
Recommended For
Improved muscle strength or recovery after activity or exercise.
*Platinum Performance® Canine, Platinum Performance® Canine CJ and Platinum Performance® Canine PLUS would all be appropriate choices.
Platinum Performance® client since 2010
“Because Hayley is an athlete, it’s important to keep her feeling good. I add Canine Platinum Performance Plus to her dinner every day. I hope she will be doing agility up into her teens. In addition to her sport, she’s also a great companion, walking buddy, kitty friend and she acclimates our foster cats to dogs. She’s the best!”
— Bettina M.
Platinum Performance® client since 2012
“Skippy, a Cairn Terrier, is still competing in AKC Master’s level agility at age 12. We attribute his success and endurance in the sport to a number of things... not least among those being Platinum Performance! PP has been a part of our daily regimen for the past 5 years.”
— Snell L.