To determine the source of a skin allergy there are a few simple steps you can follow. First make a list of potential environmental allergens that your dog is exposed to and eliminate them one at a time. Monitor and make a record to try and establish a pattern and also introduce dietary changes individually to determine which change is benefitting your dog.
Platinum Performance® client since 2006
“We rescued Hershey six years ago. She was underweight, so our vet recommended Platinum Performance. She’s been on it ever since. People ask what we do to keep her coat so glossy, and we tell them the secret is Platinum! Her muzzle may be getting a few gray hairs, but she is still active, healthy and definitely the shiniest lab in town! Thank you Platinum Performance!”
— Tim & Nancy M.
Platinum Performance® client since 2013
“We adopted Lucy over a year ago as a puppy. Our other 2 rat terriers were also rescues but not very socialized. Lucy has transformed them into normal dogs now with her persistent happy personality. Her once dull coat is now smooth and shiny and she is full of energy!”
— Evelyn D.