Tips to avoid overheating in active dogs include: Allow your dog to acclimate to exercise in hot weather, allow rest breaks for your dog preferably in the shade, wet your dog down after activity in hot weather, and offer water frequently.
Platinum Performance® client since 2009
“Joey is a high drive boxer and has suffered a fracture and muscle and tendon strains. When sleeping, he had endless twitching of his muscles, which is why I started Platinum. At day 3 of PP, the twitching slowed down, then, by day 5, he just had the normal dreaming movement. Wow! Joey could actually rest. At one point I ran out of PP, so he was off of it for 10 days, and his severe muscle twitching returned! When PP was restarted, it stopped by day 5. I now have added the PP Plus for his joints. He’ll always be on Platinum.”
— Eugenia K.
Platinum Performance® client since 2010
“I love how Platinum Performance keeps my dogs’ coats looking shiny and healthy. People are always asking me how do I keep their coats soft and shiny. I tell them Platinum Performance supplements! The supplements also help keep my dogs strong and healthy, so they can compete in agility, even my 11 year old and 10 year old still compete on a regular basis.”
— Elisa S.